International Cross-Cohort Learning


Learn alongside a cohort working in a different country or continent. You can choose a team from the same clinical discipline as your cohort in a different country, to challenge mindsets and systems, collaborate and share ideas and bring even more diverse conversation to your learning experience. Group leaders can choose their own partner cohort or can request international cohort options from the Health for All Education team. 


Please Note - NONE of our course content is produced by AI generators. Our courses are 100% designed and delivered by trained professionals.

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Courses in the Education Hub can be completed in several different ways.


To take diversity and an accelerated learning environment to an extra and arguable invaluable level, you can choose to partner with a cohort from a different location. This could be another organisation or group of professionals in a different country or continent. You get to benefit from cross-cultural integration and challenges, as well as learn from those who may have a similar profession to you but who work within a completely different service structures and face different daily challenges. You can benefit from an ongoing learning partnership and open the door to diverse future opportunities.


You can still add topics, change aspects of the course and add specific requirements for completion for your team members but you get to collaborate with another diverse group of healthcare workers. This cohort option allows meaningful real-time discussion online as well as the sharing of learning processes and ideas on active forum groups that only your specific cohort can access. This type of learning suits any size of organisation wanting to implement transformative international learning.

Benefits include:

Learn from those who might not look, think or work like your cohort

Timed cohort group reflection and discussion not accessed through individual completion of courses

As many group leaders as needed across all cohorts involved organisation

The ability to split largre cohorts into sub-groups or teams dependant on your needs

As a group leader, track your attendees performance and progress

If accessing the course remotely as a cohort, use online forum discussions to enable ongoing group reflection

Choose one or many international cohort partners


Ready to get started?

Get in touch using this international cross-cohort enquiry form and we will get back to you within 1 business day. In the meantime, you can register with Health for All Education to create a free account. This will make it easier for us to assign you as a group leader for your cohort learning experience.

If you would prefer to discuss your needs via video meeting, please use the link below.


Book a meeting

Click here to book a meeting at a time that suits you.

International Cross-Cohort enquiry form

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Other team options - Educator-led Learning

Individually tailored for you, your whole workplace needs, specific professionl development goals as well as group dynamics. This type of course learning uses tailored face-to-face sessions in real-time by our course educator, either in person or via video link. This can be utilised in conjunction with cohort style teaching. Click here for more details.

Other team options - Cohort Learning

Cohort learning is when we offer courses to a group of individuals who plan to learn in real time, journeying together through the modules. This allows reflection and discussion with other peers and intentional learning togethere as a group. A group ‘leader’ can be assigned through our education hub, allowing them to track each individuals progress. Click here for more information on this valuable learning journey for your workplace.